Breakfast Egg Dishes Healthy Recipes High Protein/Low Carb

5 Healthy Weekday Breakfast Egg Recipes

Remember the saying: “Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper.”

On weekdays, while rushing to work I find it challenging to make a good healthy breakfast (I know, not a great excuse). I always end up packing instant oats with milk or cereal with milk or just fruits and have that while at work.
Eating a good healthy breakfast is very important to kick off your day and to stay active for the rest of the day. Here are the 5 healthy and easy to make egg dishes that will make a great weekday breakfast.

Eat a good breakfast, stay healthy and keep smiling!!!

Easy Omelette Burrito- Breakfast Egg Burrito

Veggie and Cheese Stuffed Omelette- Perfect Keto Breakfast

Quinoa and Scrambled Eggs – Gluten Free

Eggs baked in Hash Browns

Shakshuka- Poached Eggs in Tomato Sauce


Thas is the author of Cooking with Thas, a popular food blog with recipes from Indian, American and Fusion Cuisines. She has been blogging since 2009 and been featured in several magazines. Read more...