Sweet Corn Milkshake - Healthy
Serves: 2 glass
  • Sweet Corn kernels, scrapped from fresh corn cob- ¾ cup
  • Chilled milk, skim- 1¾ cups
  • Honey- 1 to 2 tbsp, depending on the sweetness of the corn
  1. Hold the corn on the cob straight and place it over a cutting board.
  2. Using a knife scrape the corn kernels.
  3. In a blender, blend corn kernels, milk and honey together till the corn has pureed well.
  4. Pour into a glass and serve chilled.
If you want you could add saffron to the milkshake or even basil seeds.
Recipe by Cooking with Thas - Wholesome Homemade Recipes at https://thasneen.com/cooking/sweet-corn-milkshake-healthy/